For Tai Chi & Qigong Teachers For Institutions For Consumers
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How to Become a Tai Chi or Qigong Instructor

1.       Obtain training and then get certified as a Tai Chi or Qigong Practitioner

The first step is, of course, to learn Tai Chi or Qigong. You can use ATCQA's Tai Chi and Qigong Classes Locator to find a class near you: If you need recommendation or other assistance in finding the classes, please contact ATCQA at

In the meantime, you can join ATCQA as an Associate Member so that you can access the study materials provided by ATCQA.

While you are taking the classes, it is important that you keep good record of your training hours. Ask your teacher if he or she has a system in place to keep the record for students. If not, you can track the hours on your own, and ask the teacher to sign on your record on a weekly or monthly basis.

After you have taken classes for 150 hours, consider getting certified by ATCQA as a Tai Chi or Qigong Practitioner. The certification is an important evidence of your Tai Chi or Qigong skills and can demonstrate your credibility to your potential clients and students. For details of how to become a certified Tai Chi or Qigong Practitioner, please visit

2.       Be an assistant to your teacher

Many Tai Chi or Qigong instructors started their teaching by being an assistant to their own instructors.

While you are taking classes, be an active and even proactive student. It is common that a Tai Chi or Qigong instructor asks one of the more senior students to lead the group to practice what has been taught. This presents a great opportunity for you to take the first baby step toward the goal of teaching.

While you are building up your leadership in your class, seek more opportunities to be in the teaching role. For example, you can offer free "tutoring" to the classmates that may need additional help before or after the class. Or volunteer to be the substitute teacher when your instructor has to be absent for a class.

It is important to note that when it comes to the Instructor Certification, some of the experience can count toward your qualification while others don't. The time you spent on actually teaching others can count. But leading a group practice doesn't. Just as tracking your training hours, it is important for you to keep record of the time you have on teaching, and ask your instructor or program manager to sign on your record on a regular basis.

3.       Begin Offering Your Own Classes

It can be daunting when you first start out on your own to offer Tai Chi or Qigong classes. Luckily, you can receive continuous support from ATCQA once you become a Certified Practitioner or a Professional Member. For example, ATCQA will provide you a "Tai Chi for Health" brochure customized with your contact information. The brochure includes an overview of Tai Chi and its health benefits. On the back of the brochure, there will be your name and contact information. You can distribute the brochures to your targeted clients and students.

You will also have access to the wealth of materials that help you grow your knowledge and skills in Tai Chi and Qigong as well as how to handle the other aspects of having your own Tai Chi or Qigong classes, such as marketing, tax and liability, etc.

To help you determine where your potential clients may be, here are some examples of the common places where Tai Chi and Qigong classes are offered -


- Community Centers and Senior Centers

- Health clubs and fitness centers

- Hospitals and wellness centers

- Nursing homes

- Churches

- Corporate wellness programs

- Chiropractic offices and Yoga studios

- Hotels and resorts


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